Beauty One2One 195 Lord Street, Southport PR8 1PF
M:- 0754 852 3343

Advanced Cosmetic Procedures

For Clinical procedures a pre-booked appointment is necessary.


Skin tags up to 15 minutes treatment £75.00
Telangectasia up to 15 mins £75.00 (Thread Veins)
Seborrheic keratosis up to 15 mins £75.00
Moles £250.00 per mole (more than 1 visit required)
Filiform warts up to 15 mins £75.00
Milia up to 15 mins £20.00
Comeodones up to 15 mins £20.00
Blood spots / campbell de morgans up to 15 mins £75.00
Warts up to 15 mins £75.00
Veruccas up to 15 mins £65.00 (more than 1 treatment necessary)
Seborehic Hyperplasia up to 15 mins £75.00
Xantheloma up to 15 mins £75.00
Cysts initial visit £150.00 then £50.00 several visits may be required.
skin tag removal

Call today to book your appointment

All treatments will be performed in a Professional manner, no disrespect to the staff will be tolerated. If the staff are abused or disrespected in an improper manner your bill will be due in full and you will be asked to leave the premises. Your details will be passed to the necessary authorities.
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